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PDO Thread lifts is a minimally invasive treatment which reduces skin sagging and promotes collagen production for a more youthful appearance.

Silhouette Soft
Thread Lift

Facial Aesthetic Treatments in Carlisle, Cumbria

Are you looking for:
Redefined Jawline?
Improved skin laxity?
Immediate results that last?
all with minimal downtime

Silhouette Soft® is a surgical, minimally invasive treatment to redefine facial contours with immediate results*.

As we age, a loss of collagen and elastin in our skin can lead to looser facial tone and the appearance of fine lines and creases. Losing this protein, combined with a natural loss of fat in the face, can hollow the upper cheeks and create heaviness above the jaw line (jowl) and around the chin (marionette lines), giving a tired and aged look.

Sometimes referred to as the ‘non-surgical facelift’, the Thread Lift is a minimally-invasive treatment that lifts sagging areas of the face without the need for sedation or a hospital stay. It is performed under local anaesthetic and takes as little as 30 minutes, with patients able to walk-out and return home a short while after.

Silhouette Soft PDF Brochure

A thread lift can help improve the appearance of sagging cheeks, deep lines and wrinkles, jowls, loss of facial volume, forehead wrinkles and even offer jaw line redefinition. The procedure involves lifting different parts of the face using specialised threads without the need for surgical incisions.

The benefits of a thread lift include instant and long-lasting results, minimal downtime, an increase in natural collagen production and no stitches required.

At Rippon Medical Services we offer two types of thread lift; Silhouette Soft Thread Lift and PDO Thread Lift.

A thread lift or non-surgical facelift is a great way to have the lift without having a facelift or mini facelift. For your peace of mind, please be assured that Rippon Medical Services is registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Have you ever looked in the mirror and wished for a more refined, youthful silhouette face? Ageing is an inevitable part of life, but that doesn’t mean you have to settle for sagging skin and diminished facial definition. With Silhouette Soft®, you're introduced to the future of facial contouring. If you've been researching non-invasive facial treatments, you're in the right place.

So, what if you could lift, redefine, and revitalise your face without intense surgical procedures? What if you could confidently step out, flaunting a silhouette soft face that mirrors the energy you feel inside? Let’s explore how Silhouette Soft® can make that dream a reality.

Silhouette Soft in Carlisle, Cumbria

See the results

Original Image
Modified Image

Mid face and Jaw Line

Original Image
Modified Image

Mid face

Full-Face Treatment

Silhouette Soft in Carlisle, Cumbria and Scotland


Full-Face Treatment

Silhouette Soft in Carlisle, Cumbria and Scotland

After 3 months

Full-Face & Neck Treatment

Silhouette Soft in Carlisle, Cumbria and Scotland


Full-Face & Neck Treatment

Silhouette Soft in Carlisle, Cumbria and Scotland

After 4 months

Rediscover Your Youthful Contour with Silhouette Soft®

The name "thread lift" might sound daunting, but trust us, it's anything but. Think of it as a facelift without the extensive downtime, without the hospital stay, and most importantly, without sedation. The silhouette lift is designed to offer you a significant transformation, lifting sagging skin and revitalising your face, all with the aid of specialised threads. No surgical incisions, no lengthy recovery periods. Just a renewed you.

Considering a PDO thread lift or heard of it? While there are many types of thread lifts out there, Silhouette Soft® stands out. It’s not just about lifting, but also about redefining and refreshing your facial structure.

Why Choose Silhouette Soft® Over Other Treatments?

The world of non-surgical facelifts is expansive, but at Rippon Medical Services, we’ve got your back. Here's why our Silhouette Soft® treatment should be top of your list:

Immediate Results: Imagine walking out with a visibly rejuvenated silhouette face right after your session. That's the magic of Silhouette Soft®.

Minimally Invasive: Unlike traditional facelifts, the Silhouette Soft® procedure doesn't involve incisions or sedation. Your comfort is prioritised, always.

Personalised Treatments: Every face tells a unique tale. At our clinic, we appreciate this. Our experts assess your needs and employ Silhouette Soft® to give you results that resonate with your desires.

Natural Looking Outcome: The last thing you want is to look 'worked on'. With Silhouette Soft® thread lift, the results are subtle, yet striking. Your friends might just ask about your new skincare routine!

Safety First: With us, your safety is paramount. The silhouette lift procedure adheres to stringent safety guidelines, ensuring your well-being throughout.


2 Spinners Yard, Fisher Street,
Carlisle, Cumbria, CA3 8RE

Carlisle Clinic:  01228 521014
Head Office:  01228 791447
Mobile:  07787 541689

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Registered Company Number 08132885
Registered office: 6 Brunswick Street, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA1 1PN



9.00am - 7.00pm

Prior Appointments ONLY

Rippon Medical Services, Carlisle